With three brigades, we are capable of covering the whole state of Florida and provide your company with extensive experience in site development, local regulatory land-use approvals, facility construction planning, scheduling, and budgeting as well as Right of Way design.

As Built Surveys - Unlike many land surveys, as-built surveys are done before buildings or other improvements are added to the land or after they are complete, as-built maps are used during the middle of a construction project. As-built maps show improvements to the land, as they exist at a particular point in time.
Boundary Surveys - Determines the property lines of a parcel of land described in a title. It will also indicate the extent of any easements or encroachments and may show the limitations imposed on the property by state or local regulations.
Construction Surveying - or building surveying (otherwise known as "staking", "stake-out", "lay-out" or "setting-out") is to stake out reference points and markers that will guide the construction of new structures such as roads or buildings.
Elevation Certificates – Identifies Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) are properly elevated.
Mortgage Surveys - Generally conducted to determine land boundaries and building locations.
Plats - Show the distance and bearing between section corners, sometimes including topographic or vegetation information. City, town or village plats show subdivisions into blocks with streets and alleys.
Residential and Commercial Surveying
Right of Way Studies – Studies of an easement, a privilege to pass over the land of another, whereby the holder of the easement acquires only a reasonable and usual enjoyment of the property, and the owner of the land retains the benefits and privileges of ownership consistent with the easement.
Topographic Surveying - Used to identify and map the contours of the ground and existing features on the surface of the earth or slightly above or below the earth's surface (i.e. trees, buildings, streets, walkways, manholes, utility poles, retaining walls, etc.).